Case study of the new Green Roof Training membership based eLearning website which grew out of a need to update the 2008 DIY Guide to Green & Living Roofs eBook by authors John Little and Dusty Gedge. Built to make use of multimedia and encourage member participation.
No Fuss Websites Designed & Managed
When it comes to small business website design and consultancy, visualeze design has an established history. With over 20 years of experience I continue to offer web design and development services tailored towards small commercial businesses and non-profit organisations.
For B2B & B2C & Non-Profit Organisations
Covering both B2B & B2C markets, with a slant to those within the green and sustainable business sectors. This includes supplying a full range of ecommerce solutions, membership & non-profit community websites, sites built for specific conferences and events, as well as portfolio and classic ‘brochure’ websites.
Helping Clients for 20+ Years
Clients are treated with a friendly, honest and jargon-free approach in order to best do business together.
In short, the sole end purpose is to provide services that work for the client.
Aditionally, this is set in a framework of bringing success to their [ad]venture on a reasonable outlay and excellent ROI.
UK Business Website Design
Creation, Development & Management of Websites for Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organisations
the about me bit
a little background to the business and my range of current and previous clients

Who are my clients?
My green business website builds include Green Roof Training [ a paid membership site ], Green Infrastructure Consultancy, Green Roof Shelters and Non-profits include sites for the Thames Estuary Partnership and for the Greater Thames Marshes Nature Improvement Area. Also microsites for and Biosolaroof.
Internationally, a French language version of Green Roof Training and a German language site for Currently working on a site for the 4th European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference in Rotterdam.
Alongside these there have been sites for artists, musicians, writers, composers, tax advisers, dance schools and engineering companies along the way.
A lot of my new business arrives by referral and recommendation from existing clients. Which is as much a testimonial as anyone could ask for.

Where are my clients?
I work with and am trusted by small business and not-for-profit clients in London, Essex, Sussex, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire and Devon.
My previous experience includes developing websites for Greenwich Council as well as building sites for UK and international organisations including the RSPB [UK], CIRIA [UK], the EFB [AT] and SIGEF [CH].
Wherever you are based, be assured that the distance will not be a hindrance to successfully completing your commission to the same high standards as someone located just around the corner.
Contact me to find out if what you need is in my ballpark [ and whether I am your cup of tea ]. Whether it be a new small business website or a redesign or consultancy on SEO or web marketing strategies for your existing non-profit website I am happy to discuss it with you.
web design business learning spot
take time & have a look around without fear of pop-up windows obscuring the view nor annoying little ‘live chat’ windows waving at you from the bottom corner…
Social Media Image Dimensions
You know that frustration when you used the wrong size picture for the cover/profile on Facebook? Here’s a list of social media image dimensions for the main channels.
Publishing to Medium, worth it?
If you write longer blog posts then consider looking at Medium as an alternative to the usual Social Media outlets
SEO Glossary – Updated 2022
This SEO glossary is intended to provide some help for those seeking enlightenment about and a path through, the SEO terms that you are likely to encounter
A Checklist for Event and Conference Websites
I regularly build conference websites and thought it would be useful to produce a checklist of requirements as I couldn’t find a reasonably comprehensive list elsewhere online.
Google Mobile-First Indexing
An important change to how Google will index sites in their search is due to be rolled out this year. It is called Mobile First Indexing. This is a quick brief.
SSL and Google Chrome – Naming & Shaming
From early 2017, Google claim they will start marking ALL unencrypted websites visited using Google Chrome with a warning. This obviously could have serious implications for visitor traffic and custom. Might this affect your HTTP website?
Your Website Security – Who Really is Responsible?
It wouldn’t be Halloween without some scares and the news that millions of Drupal websites were in danger of being hacked certainly will have brought a few to developers who work with that platform.
2014 Web Design Trends: Keepers & Dumpers
As we are now well into the second half of the year I thought I’d look at some of the major web design trends this year. From ‘Hero’ pages to mobile friendly design…